Yes And… Then What? (w/ Elyssa Phillips) (2020)

Improvisers are known for making things up on the spot, but the art form itself is so transient. Even after the best shows, the audience and performers are left with only memories and that “you had to be there feeling.” Many improvisers, however, have taken the skills and sensibilities they learned and honed in improv and have plied them in new ways creating art that is more enduring and permanent. In this illuminating interview series veteran improviser Paul Vaillancourt talks to some of those improvisers discover how their improv skill influencing the art that they’re making off the improv stage.

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To hear some more “Yes And… Then What?” interviews check out this playlist:

Let’s connect:

Paul Vaillancourt is the author of “The Triangle of the Scene”.
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Opening and Closing Music: “Punky” from

Originally from New York, Elyssa has been acting since the age of 5 (she still owns the red dress with the black bow from when she played the title role in ANNIE.

After receiving her BFA in Theater from The University of The Arts in Philadelphia, and studying Shakespeare abroad at The British American Drama Academy, Elyssa traveled around the country performing in regional theater.

Since making the move to Los Angeles, Elyssa has been seen in various commercials and TV shows, including THE MINDY PROJECT, SILICON VALLEY, and FRESH OFF THE BOAT.

Elyssa trained in improv comedy and sketch comedy at UPRIGHT CITIZENS BRIGADE and THE PACK THEATER, where she is currently the Artistic Director and can be seen performing all the dang time.

Check out these links for more of Elyssa:

The Pack Theater is a comedy powerhouse providing shows, classes and community. They are committed to creating live, raw, gritty, unprecedented comedy 7 nights a week on the Pack Twitch Channel at They are now, and have always been, a Pay What You Can theater that runs on donations – so now more than ever – since they don’t have a physical audience donating to them – your donations mean so much more now than ever.


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